0800 2761310

Equity Investors

Equity Investors

Designed with private equity in mind

Investing in any business is risky business, but Hilton-Baird Audit & Survey offers the private equity market specialist services in order to manage that risk, improve your clients’ working capital and increase your returns.

As experts in cash flow, we can work with your investment teams and portfolio clients to audit existing debt funding and receivables, identifying ways to increase operational efficiency, reduce the threat of late payment and bad debt and source complementary funding. The goal being to get your clients’ cash flowing optimally and keep capital free for you to invest in other projects.

So whether you’re considering investing in a new business or looking to improve the return on your existing investments, we’re the ideal partner for any company in the private equity market that’s serious about growth.

Make an enquiry


Combined years’ industry experience


Hilton-Baird Group companies offering complementary services to investors


Full-time Business Analysts employed

Our services for the private equity market

“We have known and trusted the team at Hilton-Baird for a number of years and their knowledge of our market and breadth of solutions make them a natural, but valued partner.”

Steve Noble, ‎Chief Operating Officer, Ultimate Finance

Our clients

  • GapCap
  • Factor 21
  • Nucleus Commercial Finance
  • Bibby Financial Services
  • Ultimate Finance
  • PNC Business Credit
  • IGF Invoice Finance
  • Close Brothers Invoice Finance
  • Investec
  • Leumi ABL
  • Secure Trust Bank
  • Woodsford Tradebridge